Monday, February 23, 2009

Mathematical Operators and expressions
Mathematical operators can be used for calculation purposes and logical purposes.

Mathematical Operators
These operators compute different types of calculation based on the operators.
These are the basic mathematical operators:
+ (used for addition)
- (used for subtraction)
* (used for multiplication)
/ (used for division)
% is the modulus/modulo operator. This is used to get the remainder of a calculation

Unary expressions
Unary expressions consist of 1 operator and 1 operand. Operands are the numbers or the variables or both.
Example of unary expressions are:
-5, +5.

Binary expressions
Binary expressions consits of 2 operands and 1 operator and commonly seen then the following form:
5 + 2

To store a computed value from a binary expression into a variable, the assignment operator is used, denoted as =.This is different from mathematics where = is equal but almost similar.
a= a+1 is not valid in mathematics because a does not equal a+1. In C language or most languages, a = a+1 is perfectly fine as this tells that the value of a plus 1 is then stored into the variable a.
a= b*c;

NOTE: The assignment operator can only be used to assign values to a variable, where the left hand side is always the variable. Any other expressions such as:
b+c = a
2+3 = a
are invalid in programming languages.

There are 3 forms of assignments: simple assignments, compound assignments and multiple assignments.

  • Simple Assignments
These are normal and commonly used assignments. Examples:
b= 4+a;
a= a*b;

  • Similarly, some simple assignments can be re-written in another form called compound assignments.
a=a*b can be rewritten to a *= b
a = a/b can be rewritten to a /=b
a = a+b can be rewritten to a +=b
a = a -b can be rewritten to a -=b
a = a%b can be rewritten to a %=b

Therefore, we can conclude that compound assignments can be used when the first operand is the same as the variable is assigned to it.

  • Multiple assignments
This is used to assign the same value to more than 1 different variable. Example
a = b = 1+2
The expression above can be separated as below:
b= 1+2
This tells us that the value of 1+2 is stored/assigned into b and the value of b is assigned to variable a.

And another note, all expressions and statements are to end with a terminated colon unless specified otherwise.

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